Safety at Sea Seminar
January 8, 2014
US Sailing Sanctioned Safety At Sea Seminar
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Goat Island
Newport, RI 02840 USA
Contact: Garry and Leslie Schneider
Ph: 207-359-8908
Moderator: Ralph Naranjo. Sanctioned Safety At Sea seminar with ISAF Refresher and ISAF Certificate. Saturday: safety seminar. Saturday-Sunday special features: hands-on satphone training, seasickness session, medical seminar on “ship’s doc” duties, preparing for the Bermuda Race and any offshore voyage. Speakers include: John Rousmaniere (recent accidents), Rives Potts (heavy weather), Frank Bohlen (weather-Gulf Stream), Dr. Jeff Wisch (seasickness), Dr. Barbara Masser (medical seminar), Chris McNally (communications), Henry Marx (personal safety equipment), Ron Trossbach (abandon ship). McMurdo Grab Bags will be presented to registrants for the Saturday seminar.